Our Process

These 5 simple steps highlight the journey of your solar system installation. Based on your unique requirement, this process is fully flexible. We offer the components you need, exactly as you need them, and we provide total support at every stage of the process.

1. We talk

Our friendly consultant discusses your situation, load requirement and nature of the load so as to design a fit-for-purpose solution for you.

2. We Analyse & Recommend

After assessing your situation, we advise you on the most effective option for you; to hire, to buy or to Build, Own, Operate and Manage. (BOOM) to maximize return on your investment (ROI).

3. We Design & Develop

Our Engineering team creates a design for you, integrating our products into a seamless process to provide you with a fully flexible, value-added solution. The products are then transferred to the site for installation, where they are integrated into one complete solution.

4. We Install & Test

On the site, our team installs, tests and commissions your equipment for strict safety regulations and performance. Following commissioning we train you on how to effectively operate and maintain the equipment to deliver long lasting performance.

5. We Monitor & Maintain

We provide remote monitoring, aftercare operation and maintenance service and support.

What are you waiting for?
Go Solar now.

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